Our world is in a current state of unknown, which is extremely difficult for everyone. While our normal routines have been halted and we’re starting to adjust to the “new normal”, there can be a sense of anxiety when it comes to how you’re going to continue to live your normal daily lifestyle and even though things are more open, it’s still different. In this blog post, we are going to be discussing some of the ways that you can continue to live a healthy lifestyle during this time, in relationship to your oral health. Keep reading to learn more!
Starting off, we want our patients to know that the dental specialists at Luxe Dental Spa are here for you if you need us. We are currently open for both dental emergencies and also regular and routine dental services. For more information about how we can help you, connect with us directly to set up an appointment.
Brush Your Teeth First Thing
It can be easy to want to stay on the couch all day while binge-watching your favorite television show but it’s important that you stay active when it comes to your dental routine. Try and imagine your normal routine. When you woke up, the first thing you probably did was to brush and floss your teeth. While it can be easy to skip out on brushing your teeth until after you drink your morning coffee or have breakfast, make sure to keep on your brushing and flossing schedule. You’d also be surprised how much even just brushing your teeth can help make you feel ready for the day. We know that this time has many of us spending more time at home, so there’s no excuse for not having the time to put into properly brushing and flossing your teeth.
Continue Your Recommended Oral Health Treatments
Similarly to what we just discussed, try and keep your routine when it comes to your dental routine. If you were supposed to follow a certain schedule or treatment for anything, continue to do so. If you’re someone who was whitening their teeth with professional products from our office or were following a flossing routine to help prevent gingivitis, don’t fall off your routine. If your dentist recommended that you do something, follow those instructions. Stopping any type of dental routine can cause your oral health to decrease which can lead to painful and expensive procedures later down the road.
Eat Whole and Nutritious Foods
In times of stress, it can be tempting to turn to your favorite comfort foods and while it’s okay to indulge here and there, make sure you’re fueling your body with whole and healthy foods. No matter what your motivation is, keeping yourself full of nutritious foods is going to help keep you on your normal routine. Our bodies need the vitamins and minerals that whole foods bring. These will not only keep your body healthy but they keep your mind healthy too, which is just as important at this time. Cooking can even become a fun activity that helps you stay moving and connected with your loved ones. Sharing recipes, having your family help you, and enjoying a meal together can help you stay connected during these times of social distancing. Everything that you eat has an effect on your mouth and some foods are better or worse than others. Learn more about some of the best and worst foods that you can eat for your oral health by reading our latest blog post.
Don’t Ignore Pain
If something in your mouth isn’t feeling right, listen to it. If you’re experiencing new tooth pain or more bleeding in your gums when flossing, or anything else that seems different, don’t ignore it. Dental emergencies can happen whenever, which is why we offer help and treatment for all types of dental emergencies like cracks, chips, and broken teeth. The more you ignore any of these problems, they can easily turn into bigger and more painful problems that can have larger consequences. Connect with your local dental office right away if you’re having any pain or discomfort. If you’re unsure of what a dental emergency is, you can check out our blog or connect with us directly.
Call to Set Up Appointments
While not everything is open the way you’re used to, take advantage of those businesses who are. Once again, our doors are open for both routine and emergency procedures. Whether you’re a new client or have been with us for a long time, we’re here for you! We understand that not everyone is comfortable with dental procedures, which is why we created our office to be as comfortable as can be. All our dentists use gentle approaches and are happy to answer any questions you may have. Connect with us today to set up an appointment.